Have you noticed that prior to performance as an athlete, there are certain conversations going on in your head?
The conversations can range from performance related to seemingly inconsequential conversations that have nothing to do with performance.
According to my guest on the podcast today, all of this is mind chatter.
If you’re going to unlock new levels to your performance, you need to control your mind chatter.
Dr. Mitch Greene is a licensed clinical and sports psychologist who has mastered working with athletes through their mind chatter as well as other areas of their performance.
He is also the author of the book, Courage over confidence: Managing mind chatter and winning the mental game.
In this episode, you’ll learn the tools Dr. Greene applies in working with all levels of athletes, to unlock their potential and achieve success in their sport.
If you loved this episode shoot me an email tola@athletemaestro.com and let me know what you learnt so I can forward your message to Dr. Greene. Also get a copy of Dr. Greene’s book Courage over confidence.
If you have any questions about something we didn’t talk about, you can ask as well.
Don’t forget to share this episode with your fellow athletes and sports parents (share it on your Instagram and Facebook stories)
Remember, knowing is not enough you must apply, willing is not enough you must do.
Athlete Maestro is a podcast for you to help you break your mental and physical limitations so you can achieve high performance in your sports.
- How to use social media to your advantage as an athlete
- Why its important to focus on the mental game early as an athlete
- How to prepare for your mind chatter
- The difference between courage and confidence
- and much more
Tola Ogunlewe is a Sports Performance Coach, Sports Lawyer, Father and the creator of Athlete Maestro.
He is a real world mentor to young athletes.
If you’re ready to learn how to make the most of your talent, become the athlete you were meant to be, achieve self mastery, deliberate practice and create you own path to success in sports, join us and he’ll show you how.
Become a maestro.