We’ve all seen the athlete who has an outburst during performance or the athlete who has what many term a mental breakdown while they are performing in sports.
For the outsider, the athlete is unstable and not in control of their emotions.
For the insiders, they understand how difficult it is to be an athlete and what goes into performance in sports.
So its totally ok for you as a young athlete to pray everyday not to have an emotional breakdown, not to have outbursts and to be totally in control of your emotions.
That’s where my guest on the podcast today comes in.
Dr. Jarrod Spencer is a Sports Psychologist with a focus on emotional health. The emotional side of sports.
He is also the author of the book, Mind Of The Athlete as well as other resources designed to help athletes perform to the best of their abilities. This is why many talented young athletes often find out later in their careers that there’s more to succeeding in sports than just having the talent.
In this episode, you’ll learn the tools that Dr. Jarrod uses in coaching athletes and what he advices them to do the most when it comes to optimizing their performance.
If you loved this episode shoot me an email tola@athletemaestro.com and let me know what you learnt so I can forward your message to Dr. Jarrod. Also get a copy of Dr. Jarrod’s book Mind Of The Athlete and resources.
If you have any questions about something we didn’t talk about, you can ask as well.
Don’t forget to share this episode with your fellow athletes and sports parents (share it on your Instagram and Facebook stories)
Remember, knowing is not enough you must apply, willing is not enough you must do.
Athlete Maestro is a podcast for you to help you break your mental and physical limitations so you can achieve high performance in your sports.
- How to prioritize your mental health as an athlete
- The importance of rest, recharge and recovery to your performance as an athlete
- How to get out of a negative spiral as a young athlete
- How to raise your emotional energy management to perform better as an athlete
- and much more
Have you signed up for MENTAL MASTERY, where you’ll learn all about the mental game in sports and eliminate the mental blocks holding you back from performing your best? Click Here Now.
Tola Ogunlewe is a Sports Performance Coach, Sports Lawyer, Father and the creator of Athlete Maestro.
He is a real world mentor to young athletes.
If you’re ready to learn how to make the most of your talent, become the athlete you were meant to be, achieve self mastery, deliberate practice and create you own path to success in sports, join us and he’ll show you how.
Become a maestro.