“When I was young I had to learn the fundamentals of basketball. You can have all the physical ability in the world, but you still have to know the fundamentals”
Michael Jordan
Tim Duncan is one of those stories in sport you don’t get to hear often. He is one of those guys who never stand out but yet have something special about them. In my study of Duncan I found that some of the traits which distinguished him from his peers were traits that had been around a long time.
My favourite is that Duncan had a stoic attitude. He got on with the job regardless of what was going on around him. Many would often say he never showed emotion and you didn’t know when he was happy or upset. What they didn’t know was this attitude was a mask Duncan used to get on with the job.
I want you to pull a Tim Duncan today and take in all the lessons I share here on this episode.
Duncan recently retired to much acclaim the greatest power forward in the games history and one of the greatest all round players to ever grace the hardwood.
There is no better person to learn from.
I really hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed studying Tim and bringing out these lessons for you.
This Episode 22 should highlight what you need to be focusing on as an athlete and why its key to trust the team around.
Tear out a sheet of paper and write what you think the fundamentals in your sport are. What are those things that without them you could never succeed in your sports.
You done that?
Next I want you to be honest with yourself and check the boxes beside each one that reflect the fundamentals that you currently possess.
By the end of this exercise you would know what you should work on next and how fast you should work on it.
Get in touch with me. tola@athletemaestro.com
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“All you can do is continue to learn and improve”