May 4, 2018 by Tola
Quick question, do you have the will to prepare to win? Whats the difference you might ask?
The difference is in that word prepare. Everyone can show up on game day and play. In fact thats what people love.
You see when i played sports i hated training not because it was bad for me but because i thought it was a waste of time. Why don’t we just go to game day and we’ll see who performs better. Boy was i wrong.
My injury taught me the lesson in the hard way.
You must have the will to prepare to win. Thats the ugly part and its the ones who do this that end up successful.
On this motivational piece of the podcast, i share this important lesson.
- Preparation is key
- Failure to prepare is preparing to fail
- The major work start in training and not during competition
- Plus much more….
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Tola Ogunlewe is a Sports Performance Coach, Sports Lawyer, Father and the creator of Athlete Maestro.
He is a real world mentor to young athletes.
If you’re ready to learn how to make the most of your talent, become the athlete you were meant to be, achieve self mastery, deliberate practice and create you own path to success in sports, join us and he’ll show you how.
Become a maestro.